Learning walks
In order to optimally prepare your dog for daily life, we go for walks in small groups.
We move around in and around Baar and focus on a different topic every hour, e.g.:
- In the restaurant
- At the train station
- At the kiosk
- On the street
- At the playground
- In the forest
- ...
I will show you how to handle everyday situations safely and relaxed with your dog. We will incorporate various elements from obedience training, relaxation and outdoor activities.
Cost: 15.- per 30min | 95.- for 7 lessons
We train everyday life : We walk together through the city or the forest and practice everyday topics together. This will help you and your dog become more and more confident. Our training takes place in Baar and the surrounding area - depending on the topic.
We train together : Learning in a group is simply fun - we go through the exercises together in small groups and support each other.
We train in small groups : In order to be able to respond to all teams in the best possible way and to do justice to everyone, my learning groups consist of no more than 4 teams. The groups are put together sensibly.
NHB - Nationales Hundebrevet
Unsere Lernspaziergänge decken alle NHB - Lernziele / - und Inhalte ab und können somit als freiwillige Vorbereitung für die Praxisprüfung genutzt werden. Nach Besuch von 20 x 0.5 Stunde kann eine schriftliche Bestätigung für den Besuch ausgestellt werden.
Auf Anfrage können auch einzelne Themen / Stunden besucht werden.
Mehr Informationen über das NHB gibt es hier.